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2024 Subpermittee Trainings 


WHERE: Zoom (we will email class registrants the link 2 days prior to the first scheduled class)


PRICE: $65 (includes your class manual and shipping)


REGISTER: Registration is processed through PayPal. Please make sure your PayPal account accurately reflects your name, address, phone number and email address. If you are registering for someone else or using a business PayPal account, please email us with the registrant details. If your PayPal account does not have your current contact information, we will be unable to send you your manual and Zoom link for the class. You can email us at with your additional details if they differ from your PayPal account. 

MANUALS: Class manuals are mailed not less than 1 week prior to the first date of each class. If you are registering for a class within 7 days of the first class date you can either pick up your manual from the Wildlife Clinic prior to the class, or you can opt to have us mail it, but you may not receive it in time for the class. 


Option 1: January 10 & 11, 2024; 5:30pm–8:30pm
(must attend both sessions to qualify for the state permit)



Option 2: February 20 & 21, 2024; 5:30pm–8:30pm

(must attend both sessions to qualify for the state permit)



Option 3: March 5 & 6, 2024; 5:30pm-8:30pm

(must attend both sessions to qualify for the state permit)



Option 4: April 10 & 11, 2024; 5:30pm-8:30pm

(must attend both sessions to qualify for the state permit)




Individuals holding a subpermittee permit work under a fully licensed Rhode Island wildlife rehabilitator and assist with in-home care or as volunteers with the Wildlife Clinic. Once permitted by RIDEM, subpermittees may help raise certain species of orphaned wildlife including squirrels, opossums, rabbits, and baby birds.


The training process involves: 

  • 6 hours of formal classroom training (this subpermittee class)

  • An open-book examination administered by the RIDEM

    (50 question, open-book multiple choice and true/false exam. The exam is administered free of charge by RIDEM)

  • 25 hours of hands-on skills training (usually at the Wildlife Clinic)

  • A home inspection if the subpermittee intends to rehabilitate wildlife at home.


Wildlife rehabilitators are volunteers and this is not a paid position. We are happy to assist individuals interested in becoming wildlife rehabilitators through the licensing process. 


Please email with any questions. 

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